

IEEE/ICME CME 2011 Registration Information





Registration Fee

Before March 15, 2011




After March 15, 2011




Miscellaneous Fees

Extra Page Charge


Extra Paper Charge


Extra CD-ROM


Hard Copy of Proceeding


Extra Banquet Ticket



Registration Form

  • Please download the CME 2011 Registration Form in PDF or MS WORD. If you are an cme2011 author, please complete and submit it together with your final paper.
  • At least one author must pre-register and commit to attending the conference and presenting the paper. Or your paper may not be included in the final conference program and proceedings, appear in IEEE Xplore and index by EI.
  • Registration payment can be made in Renminbi or Japanese Yen.
  • A Member registration must be supported by a valid IEEE/ICME membership number.
  • Each accepted final paper must be accompanied with a paid registration for inclusion in the CME 2011 Conference Proceedings.
  • Each paid registration (A, B or C above) covers only one paper; you can pay Extra Paper Charges for one more paper from the same first author who has a paid registration.
  • Each student registration allows only one paper,and must be accompanied by proof of full-time, currently-registered student status via a school letter.
  • Each paper can be up to six pages in length. The cost of each extra page is JP¥10000.
  • Completed registration form with payment or payment proof from inside the Mainland China must be sent by Fax or Email to (国内作者的注册或付款证明请寄往):黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区南通大街145号, 哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院CME2011 会务组。邮编: 150001. 联系电话: 0451-82518891; 传真: 0451-82568417; 电子邮件: cme2011@hrbeu.edu.cn
  • Completed registration form with payment or payment proof from outside the Mainland China must be sent by Fax or Email to: Prof. Shuxiang Guo, Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, 2217-20, Hayashi-cho, Takamatsu, 761-0396, Japan. Tel: +81-87-864-2333; Fax: +81-87-864-2369; E-mail: RegistrationCME2011@biomecha.eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp.
  • Cancellation Policy:
    1) In the case of the cancellation on or before March 15, your registration fee will be refunded after deducting the sevice charge from the bank.
    2) The cancellation after March 15, before April 1, it will be refunded 60% of the registration fee.
    3) Note that on or after April 1, your registration fee will not be refunded. In any case, if we have started the Conference Proceedings for CME 2011, registration fee also cannot be refunded.
    4) Please note that all the refunds will be made after the Conference.